10x Genomics-Millennium Fellowship Resources

Sample Preparation for Single Cell Analysis

Access the full richness of biological complexity with Single Cell & Spatial Multiomics

  • Product Portfolio Introduction
  • Product Snapshot - Chromium Single Cell
  • Product Snapshot - Spatial Transcriptomics

Discord instructions

MAS-Seq for single-cell isoform sequencing

We have three 10xperts available to discuss your projects

  • Learn how others in your field of research are utilising 10x Genomics
  • Discuss how 10x Genomics products can enhance your research projects
  • Understand various single cell and spatial technology methods and principles
  • The 10xperts can help you understand 10x Genomics technologies to assist your grant writing
  • Reference suggestions for your project
  • Learn about the sample requirements for use with 10x Genomics products
  • Gain assistance with 10x Genomics applications from sample preparation and wetlab workflow to data analysis

Meet the 10xperts

Geoff McDermott, PhD 
Science & Technology Advisor 
10x Genomics

Ivonne Petermann, PhD
Science & Technology Advisor 
10x Genomics

Catherine King, PhD
Field Applications Scientist
10x Genomics


Enquiry Form

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